Section: jinx.2.1 (1)
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jinx, Jjoin, Jlist, Jproject, Jreport, Jsort - jinx tools  


jinx [ -L[level] logfile ] [ name ... ]

jinx -D

jinx -v

Jjoin new old1 old2

Jlist [-h] [-w[width]] db [ OUT ]

Jproject new old field1 ...

Jreport template db [ OUT ]

Jsort db [ field1 ... ]



With jinx, one can interactively manipulate jinx-databases. The whole thing is menu driven and should be self explanatory. Type '?' to menus for info on commands. Beginners should use TAB cautiously, because it usually undoes some work. If arrow-keys don't work, you should be able to use hjkl- and ^BNPF-keys for left, down, up, right.

Specifing no loglevel (or loglevel 0) will log some jinx-activities like opening and saving of files. Specifing levels 1 or 2 will log cterm activities.

The D-option makes Jinx dump a core for undump-purposes. The v-option shows version and copyright information.

Jjoin joins two jinx-databases. A join-key consists of the concatenation of the fields with the same name in datebase old1 and old2. The resulting database is written to new. If a record in old1 can't be joined with records in old2, empty data will be added.

Jlist produces a plain listing of the database, each record on a new line. The printed width of a column is determined by the the widest field in that column. Columns are separated by one space character. Columns containing only digits are printed right adjusted. Others are printed left adjusted. Option -h produces a header consisting of the (left adjusted) names of the columns and a blank line. With option -w[width] one can set a maximum line width. Columns that won't fit will be printed on a new line. The default width is 80. Optionally, the name of an outputfile may be specified. The default is to write to stdout.

Jproject selects the specified columns 'field1 ...' from old. The resulting database is written to new.

Jreport expands template for every record. In the template, every occurence of :fieldname: is substituted by the value of the corresponding field in the record. Optionally, the name of an outputfile may be specified. The default is to write to stdout.

Jsort sorts db. If fieldnames are supplied, they are used as primary, secondary etc keys.



Henk P. Penning (henkp@cs.ruu.nl), Computer Science Department, Utrecht Universtity.



cterm(1), perl(1).
Jinx by the author.




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